Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Changing Face of Liberal Academia

CSULB professor Clorinda Donato recently resided as the chair of a search committee, responsible for appointing a new dean to the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).

The position for dean received 80 applicants. From those applicants 12 participated in “airport interviews,” (quick interviews that take place in a hotel near the airport). These airport interviews allowed the search committee a chance to get face time with each potential candidate.

The pool of 12 candidates dwindled down to five prospective deans. These five candidates then came on campus where forums hosted faculty, staff, and students. The forums gave everyone the opportunity to speak and ask questions.

The top five candidates were:
Bryant Alexander, CSU Los Angeles
Sachiko Matsunaga, CSU Los Angeles
Peter Nwosu, Tennessee State University
Brett Walker, Montana State University, Bozeman
David Wallace, University of Central Florida

Donato said the search committee sought a few qualifications in particular:
The committee wanted a candidate who is a published scholar.

And Walker recently published this book:  

Donato said the committee wanted someone with interpersonal communication skills.
Alexander no long teaches but here are comments from his former students.

Donato said it was also important to have a dean with a vision.
Nwosu is currently the Vice Provost at Tennessee State University: 

 Donato said all the top contenders really believed in the CLA and have the foresight to enhance the synergy of the college as well as analyze its strengths and weaknesses.

 “We wanted someone who would be able to roll with the punches because there are definitely going to be a lot of punches,” Donato said.
Ultimately, Wallace accepted the position and will start July 1st.  

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