Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rehabilitation through Active Participation

After leaving Louisiana seven years ago, CSULB psychology professor, Christopher Warren will be returning to New Orleans this spring break to help reconstruct his old community.

Hurricane Katrina hit southeast Louisiana in August 2005. Warren  had to evacuate New Orleans during his last year of graduate school. He eventually made his way to CSULB in 2006.

Warren teaches a class at CSULB called: Politics of Disaster. The class focuses on civic engagement and the power encompassed by church level constituents all the way up to the president.

“It’s [the class] the most meaningful thing I’ve done at CSULB as a professor,” Warren said.

The class is going strong. In its seventh year, an application process is involved in the selection of students for the class. “There are usually more applicants than spots, that’s for sure,” said Warren.

This spring break, Warren will once again take his students to New Orleans and will work in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild homes in some of the most leveled communities. Warren notes those typically interested in the class are student leaders who are attracted to public health.

“Water runs away from the rich,” Warren said in regards to who the hurricane severely affected. “It’s mostly minorities and elderly that need our help.”

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